Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Free Instant Analysis of Your Stock Trade

Dear Trader,

The markets have been crazy lately. It's hard to believe the DOW was over
14,000 in OCT but now has dropped all the way down to 12,750.

Substantial moves like the ones that we have recently witnessed present
opportunities to succeed or fail in the markets. Traders who stayed on the
correct side of the trend were rewarded substantially.

For Free Instant Analysis go here:


Serious questions effecting your portfolio still remain:

- Have we seen the Indexes bottom?
- Is a reversal in the near future?
- Is it too late to go short?

Stay on the correct side of the market. Let our Trade Triangle technology
work for you. It’s free,
It’s informative, It’s on the money.

Free Instant Analysis delivered to your email inbox. Analyze ANY Stock,
Futures, or Forex symbol.


All the Best,
Bill Whetstone

Monday, November 26, 2007

Learn to Trade FOREX with 90 How to Video

There are 86,400 seconds in a day, but you only need 90 seconds to learn
how to trade Forex.

Dear Trader,

You might be asking yourself, "How can anyone possibly learn to trade
FOREX in just 90 seconds?"

Well you can, and here's why.

Most traders including forex traders
OVERTHINK the market. Yes, I know,
over think is two words, but the idea behind 90 Second Forex is to pullback
the curtain of secrecy and
show you how to go with the money flow.

Make it simple, don't
OVERANALYZE the markets.

Don't over complicate your brain. Don't try to absorb every piece of
information in the market.

What really matters in the market, is that you get the money flow right.

How does 90 second Forex work with the money flow??

Watch the video, see how it's done.

No registration required.



Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Freddie Mac NYSE:FRE - MarketClub Video Lesson

Freddie Mac NYSE:FRE - MarketClub Video Lesson

In the video above Brad Stafford gives his personal and technical analysis
on Freddie Mac (NYSE_FRE) after he spent time listening to their conference call and then studying the charts.

This morning, at 10AM est, the Freddie Mac team addressed what was a
packed conference call to report their earnings for Q3 and project where Freddie Mac will end up.

Overall the tone from management was optimistic...but understandable so as shareholders have
been clamoring to know how management will fix what the sub-prime mess really made on Freddie Mac. But to shareholders and casual observers alike, they knew the outlook for Q4 was grim.

One presenter noted; "Q4 will be a lot like Q4". Does that mean another
25.00 per share drop? The video analysis will help traders understand the conference call a little
better along with explaining how trading with the trends in ANY market can be profitable.


All my best,
William Whetstone

Monday, April 16, 2007

GuruMaxTV Blogs GuruSlayer

Here is an article by my Irish friend Andrew.
He's loaded and one reason is he has put his
trust in MidPhase Webhosting...I have not yet
fully assessed MP's service, but so far they
offer an impressive array of premium features.
Read Andrew's Webucation article


Why Internet Marketing need's to be'Slapped' and
why it's time to change....
- by Andrew Fox© Andrew Fox - All Rights reserved


I can remember it all too clearly..Back in 1999,
when I began my journey online there were
only 5-10'experts' in Internet Marketing.

It was a wonderful place to live in, a safe
environment where you could work and
breathe without being poisoned with some
hypedup product.

Fast forward and the
industry,started to change. The 'sharks'
smelt blood and entered ourmarket place
and started destroying the industry..

What happened?
Simple really...Greed.
Products upon products
started to filter into the marketplace
like a tidal wave - relentless and not
caring about the damage it left in it's
wake...People running up HUGE debts
on credit cards, in some cases taking equity
out of their homes
just to become another victim of
a vicious scam.

I monitored everything, my bloodboiling
every second of the day
until it was too much.

That was when the 'Guru Slayer'was born -
a guide created foran ordinary person to
follow astep by step plan online.

Not hype, not fluff or any BS.
Short,sharp, crisp and to the point.
No high price tag, no hardselling...

I only hope it will help the marketplace
return to the state we
once had it in...

Warm Regards,Andrew Fox


Andrew Fox has been marketing online
since 1999. His latest product the'Guru Slayer'
fights back against a polluted industry
that has destroyed
the lives of many.
See his story at

Free free to reproduce this article to
your own website/ ezine list.